The Monotype, from the Greek monos, “one” and typos “impression”, is a technique that lies halfway between printing and painting. In its simplest sense, the monotype technique consists in creating an image on a surface that is transferred to the sheet of paper by the pressure of a press. The resulting print is unique and the matrix is neither etched nor acidified. The artist creates the drawing directly on the plate with the various working tools, including brushes, taking care to perform an inverted composition as in any type of printing technique. The final work is unique, but sometimes you can recover, without the addition of ink, a second and a third time, of course with contrasts gradually less and less incisive. The second copy will be considered as proof of authorship (P.A.). The image is also not exactly the same as the original one and the colors pressed on the support expand in an unpredictable way. To create the matrix you can use glass (which, of course, will not be printed with the press), acetate, metal plates or plexiglass. The support doesn’t need to be made of paper, but of any other material on which the composition drawn on the matrix can be imprinted.
It is a playful, spontaneous technique that defeats stereotypes because it allows to obtain gestural, structured and experimental works.