School Rules and Regulations

Attendance regulations


The secretariat is available, from Monday to Friday, from 9.00 to 12.30 and on Monday and Wednesday also from 3 to 6.30 in Via San Niccolò 24r.
The school is open from Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 18.30, unless otherwise indicated.

Access to the laboratories / classrooms is allowed only at the times established by the contract/ registration form, however, the student accepts any changes that may be necessary.

  • The lessons may sometimes involve students from several classes, equally interested in the subject matter.
  • The Management reserves the right to move the lessons of its courses or affiliated schools to the most appropriate classrooms for the number of students.

It is not allowed to receive visits during lesson hours without the authorization of the Management.

LESSONS ARE NOT RECOVERABLE OR REFUNDABLE. Only those enrolled in non-institutional courses (Free time, Flexible courses) can recover a lesson.

To resume a course that has been interrupted after a long time, a penalty of € 100 must be paid.

After 5 days of continuous absence, the medical certificate must be brought to the secretariat. It will not be possible to recover the hours lost but these will not be counted as absence for the purpose of the diploma.

Each student is required to sign the class register at the beginning of the lessons.

Delays at the start of lessons are not allowed. Check-ins after 9:45am are considered absences unless previously announced.

For all courses with “lesson per entrance” (Free Time, Open Studio) it is mandatory to pay before taking the lessons. The card must be shown to teachers or, in their absence, to the secretariat staff and endorsed at the beginning of the work session, the student must sign their presence in the classroom on the register. The card is valid for 6 months from the first endorsement.

  • It is mandatory to follow the anti-contagion protocol presented in the classroom. We remind you of the obligation to wear a mask, keep a safe distance and record the temperature on the class register every day.


  • The workshops generally have the scholastic timetable of four hours per day, and are part of the program of the main courses. However, the management reserves the right not to run them or to modify the dates, timetable, teachers and content, organizing others where appropriate on topics of particular interest.


  • Individual open studios take place only in the afternoon and do not require the presence of a coaching teacher or teaching sessions.
  • For Open studios the school does NOT provide teaching material.
  • The afternoon admissions for students enrolled in the main courses of the current year (basic, advanced, specialization) must be considered Open Studio and not a continuation and/or alternative and/or recovery of missed lessons. The cost of this afternoon admission, only for students of the main courses of the current year, is € 10, instead of € 15. The teachers will mark their presence on a special register and students are required to pay for the afternoon attendance of the month by the 5th of the following month.
  • For the “sister programs” only the agreed material is included. If not specified, the material is not available and must in any case be requested from the teachers and paid for.

For Group Open Studios, billing is per day.

Each student is required to respect environments and equipment, as well as to tidy up his/her workstation every day, at the end of the work: personal material must always be stored in the appropriate lockers. The keys can be requested from the teachers by delivering a deposit of € 3.00. In any case, the Foundation assumes no responsibility for any items lost inside the premises or left at the school after the end of the course.

  • The use of lockers, drawers and individual workstations is allowed only during the attendance period. At the end of their course, each student is required to clear the assigned spaces immediately.
    Consultation of library books and works from the contemporary graphics archive is possible during the opening hours of the secretariat.
    The material left in the school drawers or in deposit at the Foundation will be kept for 6 months after which it will be destroyed or forfeited by the Foundation. 


Each student must use the equipment with the utmost care, in accordance with the instructions given, respecting the working times of others and, in case of breakdowns or breakages, he must promptly notify the teacher.

The equipment and materials of common use are provided by the school; each pupil must instead procure materials and tools for personal use.

The student is asked to collaborate with the teacher to allow for a timely procurement of materials by the Foundation.
Paper, metal plates, ink and tarlatan can be purchased from the secretariat. Payment must be made at the time of purchase.


  • Students must observe all the provisions on safety and health and anything else required by current European regulations or indicated by the doctor or by the Foundation’s safety officer. the rules are posted in the classrooms.

In the classrooms, laboratories and in any other room of the school, with the exception of the external courtyard, it is absolutely forbidden to smoke or use drugs. The Foundation also reserves the right to financially retaliate against transgressors whose failure to comply was the cause of administrative sanctions by the authorities responsible for health control, or of moral and material damage directly or indirectly caused to the Foundation itself.


  • Each student is required to leave at least two prints of each plate made during the course in the school archive (accompanied by a technical sheet).

Scholarship holders must leave a circulation of 20 copies by the end of the course attended, with the subject chosen by the Management of the Foundation. The material for the execution of the run is the responsibility of the fellow.

A copy of the artist’s book made during the course must be left with the Foundation.

Every year the School organizes an End of Year exhibition for students with a catalog.

The exhibition is an integral part of the educational program and each student is required to participate in every stage of the preparation and surveillance of the premises during the opening of the exhibition.

Students are also required to write their presentation which will be published in the exhibition catalog.

The course director and teachers periodically check the progress made by each student.
Normally there are no final exams, except for students of the Specialization course.
The school certificate of attendance is issued only to students who have attended at least 70% of the lesson hours provided for in the study program.

  • For students of the Specialization course, the final exam will be held in June (the dates will be communicated during the course). 
  • The oral exam will focus on the commentary on a work from the Historical Archive of the Il Bisonte Foundation and on the presentation of one’s work carried out during the year. The evaluation will be expressed in 100/100. The grade is the total of the individual assessments relating to the skills achieved during the year.


Il Bisonte Foundation will retain a percentage on the sale of student works during the school year and in the context of exhibition events.


For those enrolled in the main courses (Specialization, Advanced, Basic) are entitled to a 50% discount on the Masterclass fee, or workshops organized by the Il Bisonte Foundation organized in extra-school hours (e.g. Saturday and Sunday).
